Quick Details
Ages 18 - 64
$ 22
$ 20
Ages 12 - 17
$ 15
Ages 6 - 11
$ 10
Listen to Haunted Tales with Special Georgetown Storytelling Author
Go back in time and experience Haunted Tales at Hopsewee Plantation, presenting stories of Author and storyteller Elizabeth Robertson Huntsinger. She’s given hundreds of programs on the history and ghostly legends of Georgetown County, as a Historical Interpreter for over 25 years. She has three books to date as the author of Ghosts of Georgetown, More Ghosts of Georgetown, and Georgetown Mysteries and Legends.
Arrive early for Hopsewee Wine by the River and enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres by the river before your tour beginning at 4:00.
Feel free to browse the gift shop and get your book purchases signed by the author.
Additional Information
• Please note that while we do welcome photography of the historic house exterior and plantation grounds and gardens, taking pictures or videos of any kind inside the house or of the tour itself is not permitted at any point. We also ask that all guests turn off all cameras, cell phones and electronic devices while inside the house. We thank you for helping us to preserve history and respect the privacy of the owners. For photoshoot opportunities, please contact us at (843) 546-7891 or mail@Hopsewee.com.
• The Hopsewee house tour includes seven steps to be navigated for entry to the house. There is a full flight of stairs inside to be navigated for the upstairs part of the tour. Handrails are available for both sets of stairs. If you have accessibility concerns, please call us at (843) 546-7891. You may also add a note to us when you book your tickets.
• Accessible parking spots are available at Hopsewee Plantation. Please call us at (843) 546-7891 when you arrive and we will assist you.
• Walking assistance devices are welcome at Hopsewee. Some larger walking assistance devices may not fit through some doorways inside the historic home. We ask that you check ahead of time by calling us at (843) 546-7891. You may also add a note to us when you book your tickets.